Regional, National and European Histories of Science: Conflict or Coexistence?


The simultaneous tendencies towards regional fragmentation and
political federalisation in contemporary Europe raise interesting
questions about the ownership and meaning of 'heritage' and the ways
we tell our histories. In the UK, for example, devolved parliaments
for Scotland and Wales promote 'national' (Welsh and Scottish)
scientific achievements as culturally distinct from what have been
regarded until recently as elements of the 'British' past. At the same
time, accelerated European federalism is leading to searches for
trans-national cultural links which can help ground a distinctly
European sense of identity. In all these cases, the history of science
and technology forms an important part of the search for a grounded
history of regional/national/trans-national modern identity. This
talk explores some of the tensions between regional, national and
trans-national histories of science, and asks whether they must
necessarily be in conflict with one another.
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Fri, 07/05/2010 - 12:20 to 13:00
Jeff Hughes