First Workshop of the Network for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe

First Workshop of the Network for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe
Athens, NHRF, 3-5 February 2012

Akbas, Meltem (Turkey)
Iacobescu, Gabriela Eugenia (Romania)
Jullien, Vincent (France)
Kamisheva, Ganka (Bulgaria)
Katsiampoura, Gianna (Greece)
Kostov, Alexandre (Bulgaria)
Malpangotto, Michela (France)
Nicolaidis, Efthymios (Greece)
Petkovic, Tomislav (Croatia)
Petrovic, Aleksandar (Serbia)
Poletto, Davide (Italy)
Skordoulis, Constantine (Greece)
Vlahakis, George (Greece)
Zorlu, Tuncay (Turkey)

The aim of the meeting is to constitute a formal Network for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe, based on the present network which publishes since 199 the Newsletter for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe.

Friday February 3
Afternoon: Informal meeting of the Network. Discussion on the achievements of the Network.
20h Welcome dinner

Saturday February 4
9h – 13h Morning session, National Hellenic Research Foundation
Introductory remarks: The network of history of science and technology in Southeastern Europe: achievements and perspectives.
The participants present the situation of the history of science (institutions, works, trends) in their countries (each presentation 15 mn).

13h-14h30 Lunch

14h30-18h30 Afternoon session, National Hellenic Research Foundation
The participants make proposals for collaborations, submission of common projects and organization of the first Conference of the network.
Conclusions on the achievements of the meeting.

20h30 Meeting at the hotel for transfer to restaurant for the dinner.

Sunday February 5
Morning: Informal meeting of the Network. Discussion on the bilateral perspectives of cooperation.
Afternoon: Departure of the participants.

Event type: 
Fri, 03/02/2012 - 18:00 to Sun, 05/02/2012 - 14:00