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Φίλτρα: Συγγραφέας is Yannis Karas [Clear All Filters]
The meaning of matter in the Neohellenic Revival, Second. Athens: Hellenic Physicists Association, 2009.
The Adventures of the Greek Science. Athens: Hellenic Physicists Association, 2008.
Historical knowledge, national self-consciousness. Athens, Greece: , 2007, σ 244.
Greek cultural traditions. A new approach of the Modern Greek scientific thought. Athens: Institute for Neohellenic Research / NHRF and Greek Physicists Society, 2005.
Greece-Europe. A convergence on time. Athens: , 2004, σ 62.
Sciences in the south-eastern Europe during the 19th century, Greece, Serbia-Montenegro. Athens: NHRF, 2004, σ 170.
The Greek Thought and the United European area. Athens: Dedalus/ Zaharopoulos, 2003, σ 174.
History and Philosophy of Science in the Greek area (17th -19th C.). Athens, Greece: Institute for Neohellenic Reseach, NHRF / Metaichmion, 2003, σ 781.
Greek science and Balkan area (18th – 19th century). Athens, Greece: Daedalus - Zacharopoulos, 2001, σ 162.
The Evolution of Modern Greek Science. From Traditional to Modern Scientific Thought. Athens: , 1999, σ 92.
History of Sciences. A Neohellenic Bibliography. Trochalia, 1997, σ pp.62 (696 entries).
Epistemological Approaches to the Reviving Greek Thought. Trochalia publications, 1995, σ 182.
Influences of the German Thought on the Greek Revival. Stefanos Doukas and Natural Philosophy. Scientific Studies Association “Feres- Velestino Rigas”, 1993, σ 276.
Sciences during the Ottoman rule. Manuscripts and Literature, τ. A’ Volume: Mathematics, B’ Volume; Natural Sciences, C’ Volume; Sciences of Life, 3 τ. Athens: Estia Publications, 1992, σ 223, 575, 520.
Theophilos Kairis-Konstantinos Koumas, The Teachers of the Greek Enlightenment. Gutenberg, 1977, σ 208.
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