The Adventures of the Greek Science

The Adventures of the Greek Science - CoverThe Adventures of the Greek Science - Cover
ΤίτλοςThe Adventures of the Greek Science
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKaras, Y
PublisherHellenic Physicists Association
Publication LanguageGreek

This is the most recent book of a series written by Yannis Karas on the scientific thought during the so called Neohellenic Revival. The main aim of the book is to prove that Europe and the Greek cultural regions before the Greek War of Independence (1821) could communicate through several channels. His main argument is that science has not a strictly national character but it consists the connecting bridge between all nations.
The main part of the book consists a table showing the parallel way of the scientific development in Europe and Greek cultural regions, proving the osmosis and assimilation of the modern scientific theories by the Greek scholars of that era.