Yanis Bitsakis

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University of Athens
Short CV

Yanis Bitsakis got his BSc in Physics at the Faculty of Physics of Athens University, and a MSc in History of Science and Technology from the joint program at the University of Athens and the National Technical University of Athens.
From 2002, he worked at FORTH Photonics, a spin-off company of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, as application specialist for the MuSIS systems (Multispectral Imaging System), in the field of analysis and conservation of objects of artistic and historical value; During this period, his major interest was the analysis and recovery of erased and overwritten texts on Byzantine parchments (palimpsests), in the scope of the "Rinascimento Virtuale" European program.
He joined the Antikythera Mechanism Research Project in 2005, as coordinator of the logistics of the data gathering phase and subsequently, as coordinator of the research on the inscriptions. He is now involved in educational and public understanding in relation to the Antikythera Mechanism, organizing conferences, lectures and exhibitions, developing and maintaining the website of the research project.

He is a founding member of the Hellenic Society of History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science, member of the Association of Ancient Greek Technology Studies and of the International Council of Museums.

Long CV