Efthymios Nicolaidis

Efthymios Nicolaidis's picture

Professional information

National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute for Historical Research
Emeritus Director of Research
Research interests

History of science in Byzantium, the Ottoman Empire and the Greek State. The spreading of Modern European science. History of the relations Science - Religion

Short CV

Born in Athens, obtained the Baccalauréat and the Maitrise of Physics in France. Studied History of Science at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, with R. Taton.
Collaborator of the National Observatory of Athens (1979-1984), he joined the Programme of history of science of the Institute for Neohellenic Research (now Institute of Historical Research) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in 1984. From 2003 to his retirement in 2021 he was the director of the programme. Secretary General (2005-2013) and President (2013 - 2017) of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology / Division of History of Science and Technology; Permanent Secretary (2017-2020 and 2023-) of the International Academy of History of Science. Coeditor of Almagest, director of the series Science and Orthodox Christianity (Brepols publishers). Prize Blaise-Pascal (France) 2013. Coordinator of the programmes Hephaestus (E.U., FP7, Capacities), NARSES (E.U., National Strategic Reference Framework NSRF), DACALBO (E.U., National Strategic Reference Framework NSRF) and SOW-Science and Orthodoxy around the World.
Author of the overview: Science and Eastern Orthodoxy, Hopkins University Press, 2011.

Long CV
Publication list