The education of Greek primary teachers in Physical Sciences (1831-1931)

ΤίτλοςThe education of Greek primary teachers in Physical Sciences (1831-1931)
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsTampakis, CM
Academic DepartmentDepartment of Primary Education
Number of Pages312 (+ 180 appendix)
UniversityUniversity of Athens
CityAthens, Greece
Thesis TypePhD Dissertation
Publication LanguageGreek

C. Tampakis’ thesis is part of an ongoing historiographical project of HPDST to document, study and create a coherent account of the development of modern scientific practice in the Modern Greek State. More specifically, C. Tampakis’ work focuses on the science education of prospective and active primary education teachers during the first century of the Modern Greek State (1820- 1938). Using methodological tools and findings from both historiography of education and historiography of science, C. Tampakis’ thesis examined curricula, journals, textbooks and speeches, as well as several secondary sources, in order to highlight and document the importance of primary education for the establishment and perpetuation of a specific scientific ethos inside Greek scientific practice. Furthermore, the importance attributed to primary education by the Greek State enabled several other interrelations between science education and the establishment of a scientific community in Greece to come to light. It remains, now, to be examined how these findings can be generalized and expanded towards a more general theory about the relations of science education and scientific practice.