The journal publishes articles in English and French.
All papers should include an abstract of 100-200 words.
Footnotes should be used, not endnotes. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the text.
General remarks
- Authors are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their references and citations.
- References should include complete page numbers for all articles in journals and edited volumes.
- When applicable, give numbers without “page” or “pg.” or “p” in both the reference list at the end of the paper and in-text citations.
In-text citations
- Simple citations or quotation attributions should be made by citation within the text.
- If the context specifies the reference clearly, name of the author and year of publication suffice, e.g. (Butterfield 1949).
- If the citation concerns a reprint or translation, give the year of the original publication in brackets, e.g. (Butterfield [1949] 1985).
- When appropriate, cite author, year and page numbers, e.g. (Butterfield 1949, 137), or (Butterfield 1949, 130-138).
- If the subject of a sentence is the author, then only the year and page numbers are in parenthesis, e.g. Butterfield (1949) argued that …, or: Butterfield (1949, 137) argued that…, or: Butterfield argued that … (1949, 137).
- If you are referring to multiple texts by a single author, separate years by semi-column, e.g. (Butterfield 1949; 1951; 1955).
- If you are referring to multiple texts by multiple authors, separate authors by semi-column, e.g. (Butterfield, 1949, 1951; Koyré 1957, 1961).
- If you are using a block citation, place the citation after the period.
List of references
- The bibliographical list of references must be placed on a new page at the end of the text and headed References.
- List alphabetically by senior author all and only the cited references.
- More than one reference by the same author should be listed in chronological order (more recent first).
- More than one reference by the same author in the same year should be distinguished by a, b, etc., e.g. … 1930a, … 1930b.
- In the bibliographical list of references at the end of the paper:
o All references to original works (i.e. not translations) written in ancient Greek and Latin should follow the standard referencing conventions given in the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell, Scott and Jones, and in the Oxford Latin Dictionary respectively.
o The titles of all references to modern original works (i.e. not of translations) written in languages other than English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese should be given in the language these works were written, and accompanied by their translation (in brackets) in the language of the paper. The names of the author(s) and all other information, however, should be transliterated using Latin characters. See examples below.
Use surnames followed by initials. If there are two authors, use comma after the first name and the word ‘and’ before the second name. If there are multiple authors, separate by commas and the word ‘and’ before the last name.
Titles: see examples below
Articles in journals
Jones, J. K, and Doe, J. E. (1948), “Title of article”, Journal Title 12(4):468-596.
Articles originally in languages other than English, etc.
Popov, M. A. (1948), “Title of article in the Original Language” (“Title of Article translated in the language of the paper”), Journal Title in Latin transliteration 12(4):468-596
Articles in edited volumes
Jones, J. K. (1948), “Title of article”, in Doe, J. E., and Smith, P. (eds.), Title of Volume. City: Publisher, 49-65.
Articles in edited volumes in languages other than English etc.
Popov, M. A. (1948), “Title of article in the original language” (“Title of Article translated in the language of the paper”), in Markov, A. K. (ed.), Title of volume in the original language (Title of volume translated in the language of the paper). City: Publisher, 49-65.
If you cite several articles from the same edited volume, give the book its own entry in the list of references and use a short citation for the articles. E.g.
Doe J. E., and Smith, P. (eds.) (1948), Title of Volume. City: Publisher.
Jones, J. K. (1948), “Title of Article”, in Doe et al 1948, 49-57.
Jones, J. K. (1948), Book Title and subtitle. City: Publisher.
Books in languages other than English etc.
Popov, M. A. (1948), Book Title and subtitle in the original language (Book Title and subtitle translated in the language of the paper). City: Publisher.
Jones, J. K. (1948), Book Title and subtitle in the Reprint. Reprint. Originally published as Book Title and subtitle in the original. (City: Publisher of the original). City: Publisher (of the translation).
Ioannou K. (1948), Book Title and subtitle in the translation. Translation. Translated by Jones, J. K. Originally published as Book Title and subtitle in the original language (City: Publisher of the original). City: Publisher (of the translation).
State which edition you have used for the citations that appear in your work.
Jones, J. K. (1948), Title of Dissertation and subtitle. Ph.D. Dissertation. City: University.
Dissertations in languages other than English etc.
Popov, M. A. (1948), Title of Dissertation and subtitle in the original language (Title of Dissertation and subtitle translated in the language of the paper). Ph.D. Dissertation. City: University.
Unpublished and Archival material
Jones, J. K. (1951), “Title of the manuscript”. Unpublished manuscript of 30 April 1951.
Achinstein, P. M. (1842), “Title of the manuscript”. Manuscript number 364, Greater London Record Office.
Unpublished and Archival material in languages other than English etc.
Popov, M. A. (1953), “Title of the manuscript in the original language” (“Title of the manuscript in the language of the paper”). Unpublished manuscript of 28 October 1953.
Popov, M. A. (1953), “Title of the manuscript in the original language” (“Title of the manuscript in the language of the paper”). Manuscript number 125, Archives of Museum of Moscow History.
Note: languages other than English etc: other than English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
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