The Antikythera Mechanism. Exhibition in Berlin (Max Planck Institute)
The Hephaestus project organized, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Department I (Director: Prof. Dr. Jurgen Renn ), an exhibition on the Antikythera Mechanism. From MPI responsible was Dr. Matteo Vallerianni.
The exhibition took place from December 1, 2011 to January 31, 2012 at the building of the MPI for the History of Science in Dahlem, Berlin. A webpage of the exhibition was created and several visual materials have been presented on-line.
The central piece of the exhibition was a working model of the mechanism which attracted the admiration and interest of the visitors. The story of the way the mechanism was discovered, how it works and the last research results about the mechanism were presented through a series of posters and videos. Furthermore several other exhibits connected with the mechanism were also exhibited.
As the mechanism is a unique piece in the history of ancient science and technology, the exhibition has been received with much interest by the MPI and Berlin scholars and it attracted many visitors. Berlin exhibition was a successful one in the series of the exhibitions of the Antikythera Mechanism all over the world, organized by the Hephaestus Project.
A brochure in German was edited and offered to the visitors.
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